Thursday, March 26, 2009

Manmohan Singh - Spineless?

Yesterday Congress party announced their manifesto and Manmohan Singh announced that he will not be contesting the Lok Sabha Polls.

I can understand he getting nominated to Rajya Sabha in 2004 post the elections because he was not in contention before the Polls, and hence was not given a party ticket.

But the situation is different now. He is Congress' PM Candidate. Doesn't that mean he has to contest Lok Sabha polls and win his way to Prime Ministership? The reason he gave was really funny. He cited health reasons for not contesting. But he doesn't mind being PM in spite of his health concerns.

Do we want a PM who's just a puppet and doesn't even have the guts to contests Polls?


qwerty said...

MS has health problems at present. he is recuperating now... The elections are a few weeks away... PMship is at least a month after that... maybe he will be better then...

Natrajan said...

I don't think health should be a reason for not contesting polls. MGR has won elections from the US when he was undergoing a surgery.

1 more reason why health reason doesn't stand is, he's still attending election meetings.

qwerty said...

MGR won because of the injury... propped him up...

Manoj said...

CAMSS with the post!!! As Cho Ramaswamy said once in a talk show, Manmohan Singh is a modest man who has lots 2 b modest abt!! Best 4 him 2 take care of health issues while sitting in the opposition!!